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Myriad Greeyn

Myriad Greeyn

The Green Company for Sustainable Sustainability

The Green Company for Sustainable Sustainability. At Myriad Greeyn, sometimes we joke that we're "the green company for sustainable sustainability," but it's true, because we believe you want to save money on everything from energy costs and office supplies to arts and decor through our Great American Art gallery. Myriad Greeyn is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. The company was founded by Christopher Gillis and Tony Gillis. My father Tony and I believe wholeheartedly in personalized customer service. We're always trying our best to treat you as we would want to be treated because we would love nothing more than for you to return in the future and recommend us to your friends, co-workers and clients. So before I begin writing the SEO laden pep rally paragraphs to follow, thank you, from Chris, Tony, the entire Myriad Greeyn family, and especially the Earth.

At Myriad Greeyn, sometimes we joke that we're "the green company for sustainable sustainability," but it's true, because we believe you want to save money on everything from energy costs and office supplies to arts and decor through our Great American Art gallery. We're not just "the green company" because we offer green products and office supplies, we're "the green company" because we save you greenbacks in abundance.

What's Sustainable Sustainability

Sustainability is the ability to endure, and in an ecological and environmental sense, now that human beings have become a force of nature, sustainability is our ability to be shepherds and stewards of our environment so that the Earth and ourselves endure. In that sense, adding "sustainable" to "sustainability" doesn't make much sense, but in an ever growing globally capitalistic society, especially one where green products are too expensive, "sustainable" refers to how Myriad Greeyn can make your sustainability goals "sustainable" for your bank account. That's why Myriad Greeyn is "The Green Company for Sustainable Sustainability."

Sustainable Green Company Goals

Myriad Greeyn's goal is to make being green affordable and convenient, because it's long overdue, but it's up to every human being alive to make a change, and that's why, The Y in Greeyn is You.

Myriad Greeyn is the green company for environmental sustainability and energy management. We strive to save people money and reduce their carbon footprint through innovative products and creative ideas. Our goal is to aid in the reduction of energy costs, reduce carbon emissions, and provide cost effective eco-friendly products.

Sustainable Business Supplies, for Sustainable Businesses

Myriad Greeyn sells and distributes patented, tested, and certified sustainable products and business supplies in bulk at discounted prices that are comparable to status quo, less environmentally responsible products. We give everyone the ability to do their part with minimal effort and expense. We also welcome any potential opportunities to distribute new, tested and approved products and welcome ideas from other green companies that serve the common purpose of helping the Earth through sustainable practices.

The Green Company

Myriad Greeyn LLC strives to be the world‚ôs premier green company for environmentally friendly sustainable products for businesses and individual consumers who have sustainability in mind. As the world begins a dramatic shift towards equilibrium between the Earth and consumption, Myriad Greeyn‚ôs goal is to lead the way in providing environmentally conscious products in a convenient and affordable manner.

It is often difficult for businesses and consumers to justify paying a higher price for an item that is produced in an Earth friendly fashion, even if savings can be realized over the course of time that eventually enable the product to pay for itself. Businesses and consumers want to pay the same price for similar sustainable products and set into motion the course of eventual savings and sustainability. Myriad Greeyn is here to deliver.

Myriad Greeyn's goal is to make being green affordable and convenient, because it's long overdue, but it's up to every human being alive to make a change, and that's why, ‚The Y in Greeyn is You.‚ Welcome to Myriad Greeyn, the green company for sustainable sustainability.

Save Money while Reducing Your Carbon Footprint!

Myriad Greeyn keeps costs down so the savings can be passed on to customers and clients in the form of affordable BULK "green" products. More importantly, the savings are passed on to the Earth as less responsible "status quo" products are replaced by the products Myriad Greeyn sells on a grand scale. We pursue strategic agreements with distinguished partners and secure large scale distribution deals from some of the most prominent business to business corporations on Earth so we can provide affordable, innovative, environmentally responsible products that businesses and consumers can't live without.

Our product line continues to grow daily as we enhance our offering with only the finest products that meet Myriad Greeyn's stringent standards for quality, environmental safety, and affordability. Through professional analysis and consultations, we enable you to be green with a Return on Investment. Save money on energy consumption and extend equipment life, get LEED points, rebates, government grants and tax write offs. We can help you do it all.

The Myriad Greeyn Mission Image
Mission Statement

Myriad Greeyn is an environmental and energy management company. We strive to save businesses and individuals money, reduce their carbon footprint, and help them lead a more environmentally conscious lifestyle through our innovative products and solutions. Our goal is to make saving the planet simple by offering a full suite of green products to take the place of those that aren‚ôt, all in one place, at affordable wholesale prices. Along with offering some of the most innovative products on the market, the products Myriad Greeyn sells and distributes are patented, tested and certified.

Small Y Logo The Y in Greeyn is You Small Y Logo

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